Career & Education + Holidays + Self Care + Dating + Support

Getting unstuck in your divorce is challenging but you can do it! Jennifer Medwin teaches us how to move forward during and beyond divorce.

If you build it, they will come. Just like women, men need support after divorce too, and Rob created it with WTF Divorce, just like we did with exEXPERTS.

DATING is daunting, especially after divorce. Red flags for any new relationship, tips on dating and the dating apps and knowing if you are ready to date!

We all want people who understand, and Barbara does. As both a cancer and divorce survivor, she has been on a journey of self-discovery to thrive and grow.

When things don’t go the way you planned during your divorce, there are things to do that will help you through it. Here are some tips from Wendy Sloane.

Sadie wishes she knew earlier that happiness wasn’t found in another person, it comes from within. She’s worked it out and is ready for The Comeback!

Divorced over 40 was created by 3 adults who were looking for friends who understood what it felt like to be divorced, now it’s a community across the US.

No sex…that’s a problem, but how do you know it’s THE problem with your marriage? Sexless marriage won’t work for most people so facing it is important.

Food can be your friend if you commit to a lifestyle change. There are no quick fixes, but there are resources to help, especially when stressed.

A dating coach’s guide to FINALLY Doing Relationships Right.

Is loving divorce possible? Tara tells us divorce is not a problem, it’s a solution to a problem. What’s not to love about that?

After a separation/divorce, the thought of dating can be scary and exciting! Susan guides us on what we need to know when we have our first date, again!

Recovering from narcissistic abuse is a process that takes time and self-reflection. Get exEXPERT tips from someone who has lived through it and thrived!

Understanding what type of person you are dealing with during your divorce is critical to a productive divorce and productive after-divorce life!

Moving during divorce is hard and we’ve done it more than a dozen times! Learn tips from us and how we’ve finally created homes that we love.

Finding a job, starting a new career & figuring out how much you should be paid is confusing. We can help guide you so you don’t undersell yourself!

How to rewrite your story after divorce, change the narrative in your head, and move forward in your life is explained by Emmy Winner Valerie Gordon.

Divorce is a process that’s difficult to manage with so many people involved. Jennifer Lazor identifies what you can control in your divorce.

Cheating…infidelity; no matter what the word it’s all ugly and usually leads to divorce. Cindy owns her infidelity and teaches others to move forward.

Tips for moving away from a relationship with a difficult person, who could be a narcissist but not necessarily. It’s abuse, but you can move forward.

Self-discovery and self-reflection are gifts of solo travel after divorce, regardless of where you go. Remember, it’s YOUR trip.

Men think differently, men handle situations differently, and, big surprise, men recover from divorce differently. It’s always good to hear the other side.

Have you heard the little voice in your head? NLP is a process to help you switch the voice from a negative to a positive one, especially during divorce.

Ben & Nikki wrote the book Our Happy Divorce because their journey from friendship to marriage to parents to divorce and back to friendship is amazing!