Attorneys & Family Law + Divorce Rights + Preparing for Divorce + Types of Divorce

Getting unstuck in your divorce is challenging but you can do it! Jennifer Medwin teaches us how to move forward during and beyond divorce.

Protecting yourself in case your ex doesn’t follow the divorce agreement can be a lifesaver. Tracy Malone explains how to do this with a simple clause.

Divorce sucks, but if you can settle you will save money, time, and heartache. Learn critical tips that could change the direction of your divorce journey.

Making the decision about whether you can fix your marriage or end it and get divorced is never easy. Divorce Coach Karen McMahon gives some helpful tips.

Find out which episodes from season 2 are the top 5 highest-rated, and what you can learn from each one to help with your divorce.

Hear which are our highest-rated Divorce etc… podcast episodes of season 1 and why you should listen to them if you’re getting divorced.

A divorce coach may be someone you want to meet before you hire a lawyer. Learn how a divorce coach can help you navigate your process and support you.

Divorce is different for everyone, every circumstance is unique. Understanding your needs and what’s best for your family is the priority.

A private investigator is not necessary for everyone heading towards or going through a divorce, however, Jan tells you when a PI is helpful and worth it!

Is your ex is being honest about the money? A business valuator can help, especially if you shared a business during your marriage, truth be told!

Recovering from narcissistic abuse is a process that takes time and self-reflection. Get exEXPERT tips from someone who has lived through it and thrived!

Understanding what type of person you are dealing with during your divorce is critical to a productive divorce and productive after-divorce life!

This is a rare opportunity to understand what you can expect when you are heading to court for your divorce. Honorable Siegal shares some secrets.

Divorce is a process that’s difficult to manage with so many people involved. Jennifer Lazor identifies what you can control in your divorce.

Representing yourself in court is also called pro se or pro per, which means “for one’s self” Managing your expectations & educating yourself is critical.

DIY your divorce? Yes, it can be done but it’s not for everyone couple. Learn more here to find out if it’s the right approach to dissolving your marriage.

Divorce Coaches can help you figure out what you need and where to begin as far as your divorce, family, and the kind of outcome you want from a divorce.

There are surprising things that celebrity divorce can teach us, particularly how to have a quiet, quick, successful separation while preserving yourself.

Michelle Dempsey shares her divorce story & how she helps others navigate their own journeys. Being comfortable with being uncomfortable is a start.

Relocating to sunny Florida sounds great, unless you are co-parenting younger children. Sandra Fava explains what you need to know and consider.

Renee tells it like it is! She was helping people through their divorces as an attorney, but personally, her marriage was unraveling. Read more!

What if you want to stay in your marriage? Discernment Therapy can help couples identify the strengths in their relationship. Maybe it can work, or not.

Your relationship with your attorney is one of the most important parts of the process. You want someone you can trust, who is a healthy advocate for you.

Divorce attorneys aren’t the only solution when facing divorce. There are multiple resources to help you resolve your marital issues, & can save you money!